Pour sa dernière création, la suspension lumineuse "Mute", le designer barcelonais Christian Vivanco s'est inspiré des lignes et des volumes de vieilles bouteilles de verre.

Editée par Luz Difusion, la lampe "Mute" sera présentée à Francfort du 11 au 16 avril 2010 à l'occasion du salon "Light & Building".

Sur sa lampe "Mute", Christian Vivanco précise:

"Mute is a pendant inspired by those old glass medicine bottles. The name comes after realizing that the whole outline of this lamp performs as a silent cover for the halogen reflector inside of it, following it in its shapes and volumes, but giving a classic and elegant expression.

Mute is available in several lengths. The central piece consists of two fitted metallic sections: the socket is installed on the top piece, which is made of iron; the bottom, made of aluminum, houses a 100W halogen reflector. Like a glove, the lamp takes the shape of the bulb, suspended from the center by a steel cable with the power cord going up the side."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Christian Vivanco.

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