A Hambourg en Allemagne, Armin Fischer de l'agence d'architecture intérieure Dreimeta signe l'aménagement de l'hôtel "Superbude". Entre auberge de jeunesse et hôtel, le lieu propose une atmosphère chaleureuse et contemporaine, regorgeant de détournements astucieux de matériaux ou d'objets courants.

Sur "Superbude", Dreimeta précise:

"The crucial idea of Armin Fischer was to create a mix of hotel and hostel. The result was a completely new hotel experience - a mix of residential and living with friends in the hotel. The difficult position between two busy main roads on the edge of the Hamburg district of St. George and not an everyday plan, which herführte from the combination of four different parts of the building was to be solved. All public areas of the hotel had in the basement, some with very low ceiling heights and a lack of daylight will be accommodated. You enter these areas on the inner courtyard, where in addition had an emergency stairwell find a place. Single room sizes, the first prerequisite for most of the hotels was not possible because of the stock - but the claim to a super-creative planning. In the public areas of the ground floor and in the rooms is distinguished from the design concept through the use of "banal" objects and materials of daily use which have been partially diverted for use."

Photographies: Matthew Eckhart

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de l'hôtel Superbude et celui de l'agence d'architecture Dreimeta.

Source: Architektourist

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