Avec "Brick", les jeunes designers néerlandais Leanie van der Vyver et Lars Zwirs ont imaginé une brique de terre cuite dont la forme biseautée et sculptée permet d'ériger des murs qui permettront l'écoulement des eaux de pluie en cascade.

Ce projet a été développé en partenariat avec le fabriquant de briques hollandais Daas Baksteen.

Leanie van der Vyver précise:

"The idea was to create one brick that could be used structurally and also add a new function to this trusted building standard. My Father has been specializing in gutter systems for the building industry, this gave me the idea to develop a brick that drains the water off the facade of the building, creating a water feature whenever it rains. The water is guided down the diagonal surface and drops off the corner of the building creating a kind of fountain. By simply splitting and shifting a cube diagonally, a sliding surface is created that also becomes a perfect interlocking system."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Leanie van der Vyver.

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