Le designer Marcin Pogorzelski a imaginé la "belTable", une table faite de pièces de bois et d'une ceinture de nylon. Assemblées sans clou ni vis, ses différentes pièces sont rendues solidaires par un simple système de sangle.

Marcin Pogorzelski précise:

"The belTable is project of table based mainly on simplicity. My plan was to minimize every parts of table and make it even easier to put together after unpacked at home. We got 4 parts which are used to create the belTable. Top, Legs, Pegs and Belt. That’s all what you can find in packaging. No Glue, Screws or any kind of Tools need to put it together at home. Table made for people who appreciate minimalism and good taste. The belTable is coffe/newspaper/book table. Belt is not only a connection between legs and table top but also a place where you can storage your newspapers or books."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Marcin Pogorzelski

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